ProStructures CONNECT Edition Configuration

Appendix D - Program Folder Layout

The following table shows the layout of the ProStructures-specific data files under the program installation folder. The configuration variables that specify the files and folders are shown on the right.

Folder Configuration
installationFolder\ProStructures\ $(MSDIR)
+ …\
+ Default\ $(_USTN_SYSTEMROOT)
| + appl\ $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)
| | + BenchMarks\
| | | + Imperial\ $(PS_BENCHMARKUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + Metric\ $(PS_BENCHMARKUSER) for metric units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | + Connections\
| | | + AutoConnect\ $(PS_AUTOCONNECTSEED)
| | | | + AutoConnectData_Original.mdb, CDM.ini, CDM_angle.ini
| | | | + DGN\
| | | | + xxx.dgn Samples to copy to workset
| | | + BasePlate.dbf Example to copy for $(PS_BASEPLATEDB)
| | | + BasePlateC1.dbf Example to copy for $(PS_BASEPLATEC1DB)
| | | + BasePlateSizingImperial.ini $(PS_BASEPLATESIZINGFILE) for Imperial units
| | | + BasePlateSizingMetric.ini $(PS_BASEPLATESIZINGFILE) for metric units
| | | + BeamBeamClamp.dbf Example to copy for $(PS_BEAMBEAMCLAMPDB)
| | | + ConnectionCenter.txt $(PS_CONNECTIONCENTERTOOLFILE)
| | | + PipeStrap.dbf Example to copy for $(PS_PIPESTRAPDB)
| | | + PurlinBeamBraceFly.dbf Example to copy for $(PS_PURLINBEAMBRACEFLY)
| | + Data\
| | | + EED\
| | | | + Bentley.EED $(PS_USEREED)
| | | | + BentleyGroup.EED $(PS_GROUPUSEREED)
| | | + PsDrawingInfoLabels.ini Template for $(PS_DRAWINGINFOLABELSFILE)
| | | + PsOutputValueFormats.ini Template for $(PS_OUTPUTFORMATSFILE)
| | | + PsShapeNamingConventions.ini Template for $(PS_NAMINGCONVENTIONSFILE)
| | | + tooltips.ini $(PS_TOOLTIPDEFINITIONFILE)
| | + Details\
| | | + FramesImperial\ $(PS_DRAWINGFRAMES) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + FramesMetric\ $(PS_DRAWINGFRAMES) for metric units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | | + xxx.bmp
| | | | + Imperial\ $(PS_HOLEDISPLAYUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + Metric\ $(PS_HOLEDISPLAYSUER) for metric units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + ManualCuts\
| | | | + Imperial\ $(PS_MANUALCUTUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | | + Metric\ $(PS_MANUALCUTUSER) for metric units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + SampleStylesImperial\ From the SS8 USA_Canada localization
| | + DispatchCells\
| | | + Imperial\ $(PS_DISPATCHCELL) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + Metric\ $(PS_DISPATCHCELL) for metric units
| | | + xxx.dgn
| | + ElevationFlags\ $(PS_ELEVATIONFLAGIMAGES)
| | | + xxx.bmp
| | | + Imperial\ $(PS_ELEVATIONFLAGUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + Metric\ $(PS_ELEVATIONFLAGUSER) for metric units
| | | + xxx.dgn
| | + Exchange\ $(PS_EXCHANGEMAPS)
| | | + xxx.exm
| | | + CreateAcistagdefinition.ini $(PS_DRV_TAGDEFINITIONSFILE)
| | | | +, xxx.att, MVD.tbl, xxx.rose
| | | + ISM\
| | | + ISMConnections.xml $(PS_ISM_CONNECTIONTAGS)
| | + FactorySettings\
| | | + Imperial\ $(PS_FACTORYSETTINGSPATH) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.fac, xxx.sve
| | | + Metric\ $(PS_FACTORYSETTINGSPATH) for metric units
} | | + xxx.fac, xxx.sve
| | + Handrails\
| | | + FillingsImperial\ $(PS_HANDRAILFILLINGUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + FillingsMetric\ $(PS_HANDRAILFILLINGUSER) for metric units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + PostsImperial\ $(PS_HANDRAILPOSTUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + PostsMetric\ $(PS_HANDRAILPOSTUSER) for metric units
| | | + xxx.dgn
| | + Logos\
| | | + ProStructures.jpg $(PS_PARTLISTLOGO)
| | + MechanicalFasteners\
| | | + Bolts\ $(PS_BOLTIMIAGES)
| | | + xxx.bmp
| | | + xxx.mdb $(PS_BOLTDATABASES)
| | | + BoltDiameterTableImperial.bdt $(PS_BOLTNORMALIZATIONFILE) for Imperial units
| | | + BoltDiameterTableMetric.bdt $(PS_BOLDNORMALIZATIONFILE) for metric units
| | | + Pro_st3d.hdt $(PS_HOLEDIAMETERTABLE)
| | + PanelInserts\
| | | + Imperial\ $(PS_PANELINSERT) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + Metric\ $(PS_PANELINSERT) for metric units
| | | + xxx.dgn
| | + Partlist\
| | | + Images\ $(PS_PARTLISTIMAGE)
| | | + xxx.bmp, xxx.jpg
| | + Plates\
| | | + Pro_st3d.ptt $(PS_PLATETHICKTABLE)
| | | + Imperial\ $(PS_GRATINGSDATABASE) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.mdb
| | | + Metric\ $(PS_GRATINGSDATABASE) for metric units
| | | + xxx.mdb
| | + PositionFlags\ $(PS_POSITIONFLAGIMAGES)
| | | + xxx.bmp
| | | + Imperial\ $(PS_POSITIONFLAGUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + Metric\ $(PS_POSITIONFLAGUSER) for metric units
| | | + xxx.dgn
| | + Rebar\
| | | + Codes\ $(PS_REBARCODES)
| | | | + xxx.xml
| | | + library\ $(REBAR_LIBDIR)
| | | | + xxx.bmp
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | | + MechanicalDevices.mdb $(PS_MECHANICALDEVICESDB)
| | | + MeshCodes\ $(PS_MESHCODES)
| | | | + xxx.xml
| | | + Shapes\ $(PS_REBARSHAPES)
| | | | + xxx.rsf
| | | + support\ $(REBAR_SUPPDIR)
| | + Shapes\ $(PS_SHAPESIMAGES)
| | | + xxx.bmp
| | | + xxx.mdb $(PS_SHAPESDATABASES)
| | | + CombiShapes\
| | | | + xxx\ $(PS_COMBISHAPES)
| | | + RoofWall\
| | | | + xxx\ $(PS_ROOFWALLPANELS)
| | | + UserShapes\
| | | | + xxx\ $(PS_USERSHAPES)
| | | + WeldShapes\
| | | + xxx\ $(PS_WELDSHAPES)
| | + Stairs\
| | | + StepsImperial\ $(PS_STAIRSTEPUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + StepsMetric\ $(PS_STAIRSTEPUSER) for metric units
| | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + xxx.bmp
| | | + FlagsImperial\ $(PS_WELDFLAGUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + FlagsMetric\ $(PS_WELDFLAGUSER) for metric units
| | | | + xxx.dgn
| | | + Opposite\ $(PS_WELDOPPOSITE)
| | | | + Opposite1.bmp
| | | + OppositeImperial\ $(PS_WELDOPPOSITEUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn, xxx.bmp
| | | + OppositeMetric\ $(PS_WELDOPPOSITEUSER) for metric units
| | | | + xxx.dgn, xxx.bmp
| | | + Signs\ $(PS_WELDSIGN)
| | | | + SignN.bmp
| | | + SignsImperial\ $(PS_WELDSIGNUSER) for Imperial units
| | | | + xxx.dgn, xxx.bmp
| | | + SignsMetric\ $(PS_WELDSIGNUSER) for metric units
| | | + xxx.dgn, xxx.bmp
| | + WorkFrames\
| | + GridBubblesImperial\ $(PS_GRIDBUBBLEUSER) for Imperial units
| | | + xxx.dgn
| | + GridBubblesMetric\ $(PS_GRIDBUBBLEUSER) for metric units
| | + xxx.dgn
| + …\
| + Data\ $(MS_DATA)
| | + …\
| | + Rose\
| | | + Database\ $(MS_ROSEDB)
| | | + structural_frame…
| | +
| + Dgnlib\ $(MS_DGNLIBLIST)
| | + ProStructures3DModeling.dgnlib
| | + …\
| | + DrawComp\ $(MS_DGNLIBLIST)
| | | + ProConcreteDetailingSymbolStyles.dgnlib
| | | + ProConcreteDrawingSeed.dgnlib
| | | +
| | + ..\
| + ..\
| + Materials\ $(MS_MATERIAL)
| | + ProStructures_Materials.dgnlib
| | + Patterns\ $(MS_PATTERN)
| | + RebarTex6...bmp
| + …\
| + Seed\ $(MS_SEEDFILES)
| | +
| | + applImperial $(PS_SEEDFILES) for Imperial units
| | | + xxx.dgn
| | + applMetric $(PS_SEEDFIELS) for metric units
| | + xxx.dgn
| + …\
+ …\